- Finished watching Season 1 Disc 1 of "Ben 10". Cute cartoon. One scene inspired a story that I might or might not finish, but at least I started it.
- Saw Dream Girls Saturday night. Very good movie, but I don't think it's in Best Picture territory.
- Went to see Bicycle Thief last night (Tuesday). It was showing as part of World Fest Houston Film Festival, the nations third-longest running film festival at 40 years. Excellent movie, but this presentation made me appreciate tremendously how much work Criterion puts into restoring and updating movies. On DVD, it's very clear, and the sound doesn't have glitches, pops, hisses, or much of anything else. I highly recommend this movie.
- watching my recorded version of American Idol's Wednesday night results show. Looking forward to Annie Lennox.
I love movies.