Sunday, August 12, 2007

Michael W. Smith - Stand

I recently purchased the latest album, Stand, by Michael W. Smith. After listening a couple of times through, I have reached my verdict. Other than the first three songs, this release is a real disappointment for me. I am greatly saddened in writing this, as I have been a fan of his since his Project album.

The first three songs were kind of catchy, leading me to have higher hopes for the rest of the album. It quickly sank into a mishmash of lack of direction, simple songs, and lack of any cohesion.

I'm not sad that I didn't like the album. I'm sad that it wasn't better.

My thoughts on the impending TV season will be coming soon. Does anyone have any chocolate?

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Future of Animation?

Perhaps the future of animation is in safe hands. This is some pretty cool stuff (except for the bologna bit — you'll know it when you see it).

Animation Winter Showcase

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ask not for Whom the Bell Polls

Hey, if you've missed it, there's a poll over to the right. No, your other right. Yeah, over there.

You can select more than one movie you're looking forward to. Or not. I won't be crushed...horribly.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Upping the Count

Sometimes, you just want to have fun. That last word is "family". My curve didn't come out quite right, and I didn't feel like updating it.

New Futurama

TV Shows on DVD posted a news item about a direct-to-DVD movie of Futurama, the first of four planned through 2008. I'm kind of looking forward to it, as I enjoyed the rather short-lived series. The only thing is, mention is made of a promo for An Inconvenient Truth, with commentary by Al Gore. Why?


Why do I have to be bludgeoned with this tripe? I guess I have the option of not watching it, but I'd much rather not have the option available to me.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

A Rise

I got a rise today (well, yesterday), and it wasn't because someone kicked me in the seat of my pants. For those of you who only speak American English, this means I got a raise at work. I'm excited. More money to throw at my debt :::sigh::: Remember, debt is the gift that keeps on taking. Every little bit helps, I guess.

Why the English term rather than the American term? Well, I've been watching a BBC TV show, Chancer, from 1990, on DVD. It's the first major role for Clive Owen, the guy you may have seen in films such as Children of Men, Croupier, The Bourne Identity (the assassin in the field at the farm house), and my personal favorite, Greenfingers (which virtually none of you have seen — ah, the joys of Netflix).

What is Chancer about? Steven Crane (Owen) is some kind of young business analyst (maybe some kind of investment banker?) who's never made a mistake in his recommendations. He becomes intrigued by a failing car manufacturer (the Douglas Leopard line, all hand-made) and finagles nearly £500K from his boss to bail out the nearly-bankrupt Douglas family. There is the intrigue of a missing/ runaway son, a wild daughter, a clueless daughter, some irate, unhappy bankers, and, of course, the machinations of Mr. Crane. What does he have up his sleeve? What does he intend to do?

This serialized drama, after only two episodes, has some answers, but only in the form of deeper questions raised (rised?) in the midst of the answers. The first episode had me hooked, and the second one did nothing to disabuse me of this notion. Sadly, there are only 19 episodes of the series. Mr. Owen decided to jump ship so as not to be typecast. Nineteen episodes doesn't seem enough time to typecast someone, but no one asked me.