Sunday, March 05, 2006

Let There be Music

Okay, this is probably the last music purchase I'll make for quite a while, like several months. With the ever-popular(?) Anticipated Enjoyment Rating Grid, I present:

#ArtistTitleAnticipated Enjoyment
1The AftersI Wish We All Could Win7
2Ronnie FreemanRonnie Freeman9
3Relient KMmHmm8
4The Rocket Summer"Hello, good friend..."7
5Seventh Day SlumberOnce Upon a Shattered Life7
6Falling UpCrashings7
7Audio AdrenalineUntil My Heart Caves In8

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I bought this Audio Adrenaline CD a while ago. Bummer. Too bad I don't have a list of my CDs like I do for my DVDs. [Editor's note: My DVD collection is catching up with my CD collection quite well. Which is sad considering I've been collecting CDs since 1983 and DVDs only since 1998.] I need some good software for CD tracking. Any suggestions? And books, too. Everything I've looked at for either of these is so... so... so complicated. Or doesn't track what I want. Or something. I use DVD Profiler, which is pretty decent for DVDs, but they have no intention of developing a CD app.

One day, I'll post my actual enjoyment rankings for my CDs. I'll probably do that on my Google-based web site (100Mb, free web-page creator, though I can see the limitations that I wouldn't want to build a big site with this, but for now, ’tis a good compromise and a way to post large files easily).

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