Sunday, April 23, 2006

Checking In -- Checking Out

Sending this by email, and I have no way of knowing when I last posted. I think it was last Sunday (Yay Easter!), but I've slept since then.

I'm downloading some music from, a very slow and tedious process when your best connection speed is 28.8. Twice in the past week I went to the at&t site to get information about their DSL, and twice I received a message that the site was down for "maintenance". At 9 pm on a week night. Right, "maintenance". Is that a sign of what I can expect from them should I sign up for this service?

I haven't watched any movies this week. I started Bringing Up Baby a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't gotten back to watching the last 45 minutes or so. Silly, ain't it? (That's in the living room DVD player.) I started watching A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. Pretty funny so far, but not quite the movie I was expecting. I still have 20-30 minutes left on it; I turned it off to watch Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, and Cops. I only intended to watch Stargate Atlantis, but then the other shows came on, and there I was enthralled.

I am excited that The Tick cartoon series is finally coming out on DVD this fall. Maybe I can afford it by then. June 20 is super Tuesday, though, so called due to the number of Superman-related DVD sets (7? 8? 9?) being released that day in time for the release of Superman Returns (I'm stoked!). Unfortunately, I can't afford to get everything coming out that day, but perhaps a couple of the sets won't be exorbitantly-priced. I hope this, anyway.

I finished White, the third in Ted Dekker's The Circle Trilogy. I'm just totally blown away. Wow! It really changes the way I look at God (a positive change, mind you), and I have a much better appreciation of how God sees us. The Great Romance indeed. Now I'm working on Thr3e (thanks, Se7en). This is currently being made into a movie, and I'm kind of excited about it, as the book is excellent so far.

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