Friday, September 01, 2006

And He Lost?

Wow, I came across this performance from Australian Idol. I can't believe this guy lost. And why doesn't American Idol get guys that can sing like this? I like Clay, Bo, and Chris pretty well, but they don't begin to hold a candle to this guy!

Anthony Collea - The Prayer

Perhaps the reason guys like this never make it through here in the US is that the producers don't feel America would "get" singers like this. That's such the problem with American music these days (though improving), too much homogeny, too formulaic, too molded. Look at American Idol's first winner, Kelly Clarkson. Only when she started doing more of her own thing did she start gaining (positive) notoriety on her own merit than just being the "American Idol winner". Perhaps The Machine got her going to the point where she could have success on her own, but that's still a fault of American audiences and music execs, that it takes so much more than talent to even get noticed.

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