Monday, September 21, 2009

Hard to do

On July 6th of this year, I had to do the hardest thing I’ve encountered in my life: I had to put my beloved cat, Clark Kent, of nearly 16 years (3 days short) to sleep. He had developed kidney disease; his liver was beginning to fail; he had a lesion on his lung; and his levels were all moving in the wrong direction.

I put up a memorial page on Sadly, the picture posted there is the only one I had available when I wrote it; it doesn’t show how beautiful a cat he really was.

I can’t believe how much I miss him, over two months later. I thought losing my dad was hard, and it was (and is). But I still cry for Clarkie. Not every day like the first couple of weeks, but man, I never knew how attached to that little creature I was and still am. I still hear him walking around, rustling paper. Fortunately, I don’t feel him jump up on my bed, but I have felt paper brush against my leg, and for a split second my thought is that it’s him. Then reality crashes in.

I know in time I’ll not cry (as much), but I’ll remember him fondly until my brain stops working so well. Goodbye, little buddy.


EverCats said...

I'm so sorry for your loss... it really must be tough : (

My name is John, the founder of EverCats. If there is anything at all we can do for you, please let us know.
If you have another picture you would like on Clark's memorial page (or multiple pictures), don't hesitate to email me: john(at)evercats(dot)com

We mourn with you : (


letsgoblogging said...

Im really very sorry for your loss I kno the pain personally

Im almost 18 and last year I moved from my hometown of 11 years and it was really hard on me. But even harder then that was that about a week before we were to move my dog George stopped moving and stopped eating.
The vets had no idea what was wrong with him and we had to put him down in a moments decision. And not only that but we had to give our other dog away.

It was by far the hardest thing that I have ever had to do and even the thought of what happened makes me tear up.