The New Year every year is a time to start something new, to make resolutions, to examine one's life and seek ways to improve. Traditionally, I have not done this resolution bit. Can't fail if you don't try, right?
But, I've been pretty much rudderless the past few years. I have no direction, no point, no gumption. It has been said the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. I've wanted my life to be different, but I've not been willing to do anything different. I've expected some inherent perturbation in my system to cause some kind of change in my life.
But that only works in chaos theory and dynamical systems.
If I want change in my life, I have to be my own catalyst. I have to determine my own goals. I have to lay out my own steps for achieving those goals. I have to take charge of my life, rein myself in, and get on track.
May the cobwebs of indifference be forever removed from my brain.
Jack, thanks for sharing. I have been of the same mind for many years not making resolutions. I have also figured out that there is something to setting goals and making plans. It may be that you don't accomplish some of even all of them, but it does mean you are moving forward instead of languishing and that is a good thing. Hope this is a great year for you.
Michelle, thanks for your post.
One of my goals is to post here a tad more often than last year. As of now, that is accomplished.
But really, I want to post weekly (average), read 3 particular blogs regularly, go through Beth Moore's David book, watch at least one movie in the theater each month, finally get all my movies organized, get organized in my apartment.
That's enough for one year, I think.
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