Saturday, March 29, 2014

I Wonder

Two months until I turn 50... I don't have much to show for my life...

I wonder what it's like to truly be in love (the Romantic kind). To have someone I want to spend every moment with, someone whose very being is knit together with mine. Someone who is not going to run away or abandon me when my inevitable flaws expose themselves — and me — for the outrageous fraud that I am. Someone who is not disgusted by my mere presence and might actually welcome and look forward to it. Someone who can champion what little virtually nothing I have to offer. Someone who is not caught up in taking but accepting what little there is of me to give.

And I can't even talk about kids, the great regret in my life (but probably much better off for never having been)...


Marshall said...

Hello, Have you tried to help people? This could help them and you in so many ways.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
