- I need to do something creative every day. I have so many ideas of things, but I never act on them. It's never going to just happen, so I want to do something about it.
- I've already broken this resolution.
- I'll have to modify this one because I have this deep seated yearning to do something, but maybe every day might be a tad audacious. Given my schedule of needing sleep, 3 times a week might be more acceptable, more if possible.
- "Lose weight." The most ridiculous resolution ever because it has no meaning in and of itself. It needs something specific. So, more specifically, I want to lose 20 pounds of fat by my birthday at the end of May.
- I say 20 pounds of fat because I don't believe my weight is a problem in and of itself, but I have fat to spare, a good 40+ pounds.
- 20 pounds is very aggressive, or 4 pounds a month, roughly 1 pound a week. That's very aggressive, and given my physical condition (bad knees, ankles), I'm not sure I could keep up that pace. Ten pounds is a better attainable goal. Ten pounds it is.
Look, Ma, I wrote a blog post!
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