This is my first blog report. Thanks, Jason, for encouraging me to do this. It remains to be seen whether I have anything worth writing. Or worth reading, for that matter. If nothing else, it might do me some good to vent some stuff.
Speaking of venting, my birthday is coming up soon, which is no big deal in and of itself. It just happens to be a milestone birthday starting with a "for" and ending with a "tee". I've never held much stock in birthdays; to me, it's always been just another day. Friends have thought it was because I was afraid of getting old. Over that, I don't have much control. I'm not afraid to be any age. The main reason I don't celebrate my birthday or treat it just like any other day is that I really don't like a fuss being made over me.
I suppose my big problem with it this year, why this one is hitting me so hard, is not that I'm turning 40 but that I'm turning 40 and have nothing of any relevance to show for my life. :::sigh:::
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