So, last Friday on my birthday, my cat turned 11. Yes, his birthday falls on my birthday. Anyway, the part of how smart my cat is that I mentioned a couple of days ago. My cat came and got me because he wanted food, which is no different from any other time. I have an understanding with him that if there's significant food in his plate, he doesn't get any more (unless I'm leaving for the day or something — I'm not a total ogre); I tend to think this understanding is somewhat one-sided, though when I remind him of it, he'll usually start eating his food. There was a pretty good amount of food in his plate, so no more for him.
He would have none of that. He sprawled out in front of me and cried. He ran around crying. I was going back into the bedroom, and he again threw himself in front of me and cried. I got down to pet him and talk to him, and he cried again. I said, "Clark, your food is NOT tainted; now go finish it." It was plain to me he told me his food was tainted. Then I thought that he's not usually quite so insistent as he had been.
I went to his plate after turning the lamp up all the way, and the food was covered with... ants. He knew his food was tainted and kept trying to tell me, only I wouldn't listen. I think he's pretty smart (and not just because of this), but I shan't go on and on.
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