Saturday, June 12, 2004


Today, I upheld one vow I made this week: I clipped the cat’s
claws. He was not happy. Until it was all over. Then he loves it. Except
when he tries to run and dig into the carpet to change directions. Oops.

At some point soon, I’m going to write about victimless crimes;
that’s been on my mind the past week or so. Essentially, I
don’t think there is such a thing. Of course, it assumes a
particular moral base in my reasoning.

I went to watch friends bowl tonight, then we went out to eat
afterwards. Such good food; I love Mexican food, even if it’s
Tex-Mex, not “authentic” Mexican food. I’ve hidden
away from people for so long -- it feels good to be around people,
especially friends from church, people who appreciate you and accept you.

I’ve been playing around with Paint Shop Pro lately, trying to do
more with it than I have. It's not Photoshop, but it's not $500+,
either. I’ve truly amazed myself at what I’ve been able to
produce with my limited knowledge. I came up with a really cool logo for
Exodus (the book we're studying Sunday mornings for 13 weeks).
I’ll post it when I’m able to upload pictures someplace.
There are some other nifty things I've done (well, I like ’em
anyway) that I'll post sometime, too.

And I’m off to finish MadTV or watch a movie.

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