Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Random bits

  • Just finished watching Castle in the Sky. Decent film.

  • Memorial Day at John's house — Thanks, John! played Tri-Bond (my team won!); sat around and talked. Fun. Sadly, no "Trading Spaces" marathon this year.

  • Sunday evening at Jack's house watching Charlie's Angels.

  • Made it to Saturnday night church for the first time in several months. Great service, though I'm not too sure about this "fellowship" time beforehand. I'm not too outgoing, and it's difficult for me to go up to meet people on the fly.

  • Didn't make it to see The Day After Tomorrow this weekend. Apparently enough of you did for it to take in well over $80MM. I'm only interested in the special effects, not the story. I do like Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal (had to look that one up). Oh, and Sela Ward, too!

  • Swam this morning. Actually, I rode my bike, but with 110% humidity, it felt like I was swimming. I see collapsing into bed before midnight tonight since I've been awake since 5am.

  • listening to Rubicon 7 in the car; wish I could listen to music at work. I think I would be much more productive than playing receptionist every five minutes or so. It's making me jittery, man, jittery, I tell you.

These posts always wind up longer than I intend them to be.

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