Tuesday, September 13, 2005

So Needy

I wanted to post this last night, but I worked until 11:30 and didn't much feel like writing then (though I did start watching a movie).

I've been listening to Shawn McDonald's (one of the five CD's I bought recently) live album on repeat in the car, and the passion this man has for God and the knowledge that he's not where he wants to be yet are very touching to me. I want to be so much more, and I'm so frustrated that I'm not there yet, that I still look at myself as such a loser and has-been. I know that's not how God sees me, and it's certainly not the way He wants me to see myself. Anyway, something along these lines came running through my head:
God, I need You
Every minute of the day.
WIthout you, I can do nothing
and be nothing.
Every breath a gift,
Every blessing an excess.
I'm grateful for my life
Even while I despise myself at times.
God, You are my reason
And my existence.

(c) 2005, 42 Penguin Productions

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