Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Silly lawsuits, stop clogging up our justice system

One of the key things about my personality that I found out many years ago is that I have a very strong sense of justice. Things can be apparent to you without you realizing what it is at a conscious level, but when expressed to you, it suddenly makes sense, and you think, "Oh, yeah!! That makes so much sense."

This hasn't translated to me being some social crusader or even being particularly outspoken about bad things happening. Possibly, there's so much injustice that I wonder what I could possibly do, or who would listen to me (which is a common theme in other areas of my life).

Anyway, I'm against frivolous law suits, especially when caused by one's own stupidity or by some wrong-headed idea that bad things automatically incur monetary recompense from somebody (or downright fraud, like the people who boarded a bus involved in an accident after the accident and then claimed injuries from said accident).

There is a web site that brings such cases to light, and you've probably heard of the yearly awards for the most egregious examples of these lawsuits, the True Stella Awards. Here's a link to the "winners" for 2006: True Stella Awards 2006. Enjoy reading!

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