Saturday, May 21, 2005


I went to see the new Star Wars movie today. Excellent work! Dark & gritty. And it really does bridge everything from Episodes 1 & 2 to the original trilogy. It does do one spoiler in bridging to the original trilogy that could have been easily avoided, something that wasn't revealed until Return of the Jedi. While it doesn't make up for what the first two episodes lacked (and I don't think they were bad, just not up to snuff for EVERYONE's expectations), it does go a long way in distancing those from the rest. Overall, it was very satisfying.

I didn't see the big political parallels as I had been led to believe. If you're looking to believe President Bush is trying to take over everything, then you'll see that in the movie. instead, I see soemthing that had to take place to make the rest of the movies happen. Regardless of 43 being the President, Palpatine would have assumed power, and done so violently. It was alluded to in the original trilogy. Get over it.

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