Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Next Wednesday

Watched American Idol results show tonight. I figured Phil and Chris were going tonight. Now it's just Blake and the Girls. I'm rooting for you, Blake!

Still haven't seen Hot Fuzz :::sigh:::

Spider-Man 3 starts this weekend. I'm not sure when I'll get to see it. I might have to relent and go Friday night.

My boss is gone for two weeks. Yay! I imagine he'll still manage to wreak havoc from afar.

Finally saw Road to El Dorado. I was fairly let down, especially since the first disc from Netflix I received had a big old crack and wouldn't play. Then, I watched Rome, Season 1 Disc 2. Great series. Listening to the commentary for ep. 5, the producers really went out of their way to do something great.

Last week, I watched The Matador. It was a lot different than what I was expecting, but it was quite okay. I wound up getting it at Hollywood's half-price sale for $5.00. I started watching After the Thin Man, but at the 3:12 mark, the disc futzed out: it went to massive pixellation and then just froze. I cleaned it to no avail, and while there are a few scratches, I've seen discs in much worse condition play with no problem. I'll have to try it in the other DVD player.

I need to hurry up and watch the movies I got from Blockbuster's sale. They only provide a 30-day warranty. How Hooverage is that? I won't necessarily be upset when Blockbuster goes belly-up.

1 comment:

claymonster said...

I hate me some cracked discs.