Thursday, July 28, 2005

Touching Base

Wow, life happens... work, church, and a pseudo-personal life. whoda thunk it?

So much injustice in the world, who can write of it all?
  • A woman abandons her 3-yr old son on an interstate and then hits him when he tries to get back in the car (Virginia).
  • A man (here in Houston) gets mad at some kids playing in front of his apartment, then gets a gun out after their football goes through his window. He fires at them, and one of the bullets goes into an apartment and kills a 2-yr old girl. His defense? He didn't mean to kill anyone, and those kids had broken into his apartment before and stolen things. If you pull out a gun, you intend to shoot and kill someone with it, period. If you don't intend to shoot and kill someone, don't pull a gun. How hard is that?
Those are the ones that really stand out to me.

The Island

Surprisingly better than I expected it to be. True, it's a Michael Bay film, but I'm pretty sure Spielberg took a healthy interest in it. I was really shocked at the imagery of cloning and abortion portrayed in this movie. The abortion angle was subtle—unintended, perhaps—but present nonetheless. And the cloning, well, do we have the right to play God?


Anonymous said...

I knew Sean Bean could play God, but I don't think we have the right to.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and I liked it fairly well too. But I knew the lead cast was going to do a pretty good job since Bay got good actors. But yeah, it ripped off almost every sci-fi movie. The intro reminded me of The Day After Tomorrow (at least the title shot). Much of the compound reminded me of THX-1138. And some of the futuristic touches were reminiscent of Minority Report.