Sunday, March 26, 2006


I've read the first two books of the Ted Dekker trilogy, The Circle. The three books are titled Black, Red, and White. I'm sad I don't have as much time to devote to reading White as I would like. (movies and comics take up too much time, and then there's work. and sleep.) I know it's silly to do so, but I also started Thr3e, which is apparently filming right now.

I really enjoyed Black. In it, we meet Thomas Hunter, a man who finds he has the ability to walk between two worlds, each of which seems more real than the other whenever he's in it. A very fascinating tale.

I was not expecting Red to be as good. I was wrong. It's just as captivating, just as intense, and just as high-speed as the first. It is a different type of book from the first. The style seems to be different. It's not something I was conscious of while reading this book, but in retrospect it's clear that the book is different in its tone and emphasis. It's still about Thomas, but as the story unfolds, it envelopes so much more.

And the 60 pages or so of the third book, White, that I've read so far, I can tell that this a completely different book from its two predecessors. It still focuses on Thomas Hunter, but so far, it's just so much more.

Sorry I can't give more information about the books, but I really want people to read these books. They're very thought-provoking, and I know some of my pre-conceptions about certain religious things have been called into question. If I explain more of the story, I feel that too many elements of surprise would be given away, and these things are too important to the story for them to be spoiled.

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