Saturday, September 15, 2007

From Bad to Worse

I recently wrote about unfunny Spike Feresten show. Apparently, the new season started tonight. (Why there was a second season is beyond my ken.)

The show opening credits were better. And Ryan Seacrest is the guest tonight. (Must be because of the Fox in common.)

But, not only does Spike hoover in a most major way, he's really moving into downright nastiness and vulgarity. I really detest this show vehemently. I might even write to Fox about it.

[Edit 9/30: small number misalignment in second para]


Anonymous said...

Your Favorite Books

* The Great Gatsby
* Circle Trilogy
* Bible
* Good to Great

Bible? Really? The Bible? LOL Believe in martians too? How about Santa?

claymonster said...

I guess the brave "anonymous" told you... whatever.

It's amazing that Fox keeps this guy on the air. I can't imagine he has ratings (which is the only reason anything else stays on the air... well, except maybe Katie Couric, but I digress), they are either grooming him for something else, or someone owes someone a favor and they're resigned to losing that time slot to NBC anyway.