Friday, September 22, 2006

Theatrical Release Pick for 9/22/2006

So, while I have some time, I'm writing this up a few days in advance. No more late night Thursday for this! (Note: I wrote this Tuesday night and promptly forgot to post it until tonight. Bummer.)

Pick of the Week

All the King's Men, starring Sean Penn, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, and lots more people you know and love. This movie is a semi-biographical look at Huey Long, the former governor of Louisiana (where I happen to have been born). Though he and his family were vastly corrupt (supposition), they did a lot for the state. What could they have wrought apart from the corruption. Anyway, the same-named book is excellent, and the movie should prove Oscar-worthy (they're trolling already).

Honorable Mentions

  • Flyboys is about the first flight squadrons in World War I (that's "one", not "eye"). THe trailers look awesome, and the early bits I've read seem to indicate that it lives up to its promise. If only the public will agree.

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