Sunday, January 18, 2009

Boys from Brazil

The Boys from Brazil (by the way, there might be spoilers, so be warned. I'll try to be careful, but you never know.)
12:47 PM about 17 minutes into the movie. Paused the movie.
Notes so far:
  • Gregory Peck!
  • Laurence Olivier!
  • James Mason!
  • some pretty big names.
  • very nice opening music (Jerry Goldsmith)
  • and look, co-starring Steve Guttenberg! (I find that particularly hilarious.) He's 19 or 20 when the movie comes out.
  • opens in Paraguay. not enough movies take place in Paraguay. I wonder why.
  • some goose-stepping soldiers. Foreshadowing, perhaps (yes, because I know the movie involves Hitler)
  • A man at a cafĂ© goes with passenger of Mercedes that pulled up beside goose-stepping soldiers.
  • Barry Kohler (Guttenberg) rushes to his Vanagon(?) to follow them. a bull fight, and some eavesdropping. a meeting at a private plane.
  • and we're in Vienna.
1:03 PM by the way, I restarted movie somewhere along the way (to check on the van type, which I still couldn't make out). Kohler calls Ezra Lieberman (Olivier) to tell him there are (wait for it)... Nazis.
1:08 PM a plane lands at night on a body of water. Lights! and someone vaguely reminiscent of Hitler appears -- Dr. Josef Mengele (Gregory Peck). and a meeting. funny moment: Kohler's eavesdropping device suddenly blares at him.
1:11 PM clicking heels galore, almost a parody of Nazis (but I don't think it's meant to be one). BIG IMPORTANT MEETING. Aryan race! big involved plans: 94 men must die on specific dates over next 2-1/2 years. Yikes! why?
1:18 PM "by killing this old mailman, I will be fulfilling the destiny of the Aryan lace" [race - but it sounded like "lace"] ... ooo they've been found out! hunt the bug! now how did that get there? that crafty Kohler
1:22 PM no, not the kid! you're a pretty stupid, naive guy, Kohler. they're coming to take you away, ha ha; they're coming to take you away, he he.
1:26 PM Eek! double Eek!!!!! and I don't mean just the cat.
1:29 PM stupid DVD has no subtitles; heavy accents can be hard to make out sometimes
1:34 PM death count of the 94 begins.... what the heck! those eyes...
1:40 PM well, Lieberman is definitely the key to stopping the nefarious scheme, whatever it is. Imagine, a world-wide laboratory. How can it possibly result from the deaths of these 94 sixty-five year old men from various nations? There's certainly no resolution yet. And a large tracking chart on display! Also, what would it be like to track all the violent crimes in 10 countries? 10 cities in the U.S. would be job enough, let along then countries.
1:44 PM I've seen that face before. I can guess what he's around for.
1:50 PM I knew it! and creepy, too! and uncalled for and vicious. And totally fitting the story. I wonder if the extra death will affect "the plan". <so hungry, and I have no food>
1:57 PM another impetuous young man, Bennett (John Rubinstein) enters the picture to carry on Kohler's work... a big reunion... questioning orders among the ranks and a reminder to loyalty. "It doesn't have to be Saturday"... Anne Meara!!! ... and the plot thickens more, and a glimmer of understanding crosses Jack's brain.
2:07 PM this is becoming spooky and just plain creepy.
2:14 PM major piece falls into place (as I thought)... Dec. 11? questions answered, but more appear.
2:19 PM I can't believe he said it. It's true, but I can't believe he said it.
<a brief rest stop>
2:29 PM and still I ask, just because we can do something, does that mean we should? Cloning, it's not just for sheep anymore.
2:34 PM sends a chill up my spine just thinking that someone would want to clone Hitler. From a purely technological, amoral point fo view, the idea of cloning is cool. But should we? and who gets to decide who should be cloned? Regenerating body parts is one thing, but a full body. And would it even be the same as the person?
2:43 PM Evil, I tell you, pure evil... why would you go into a house not your own when no one answers your tepid knock on the door? ... great shades of Mike Tyson!
2:56 PM Such hatred. And "similar" is not equivalent to "same".
3:02 PM Evil Evil Evil, all the way around. End of movie.

I declare thee creepy in the highest order.

This was a very good movie. There are some mighty big ideas in this story: cloning, retribution, Hitler and his conspiracy theories (or theories about his survival, cloning, etc.). If you had the chance to go back in time to take out Hitler, would you? Would that be our prerogative?

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