Thursday, January 08, 2009

An update

Did you really think I would/could keep up a daily posting schedule? I certainly did not, nor did I expect to.

Cat Ballou was pretty good, even if it did have the traitor in it. Lee Marvin was pretty good in his dual role, though one of them wasn't much acting. overall, the movie was pretty funny, and it does raise some questions about the nature of justice and such, should one care to think upon such things.

As I type, I'm watching Ivan the Terrible Part II. It's hard to type and follow on a Russian film reading subtitles. Part I was pretty good if incomplete (the presence of "Part I" is a good clue, though not necessarily conclusive — look at The History of the World, Part I; there was no Part II).

In one section of the movie, we see Ivan as a child. This made me think about a story either with a good child king followed by a bad child king (or vice versa), or maybe co-rulers with one being "good" and one being "bad". Like most of my other story ideas, that's about as far as they ever get.

Anyway, the live-blogging will have to be based upon an English-speaking movie, not a foreign-language one. Just typing this is quite difficult. So, I'll close now.

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