Monday, August 21, 2006

A Couple of Things

On the movie announcement last week (which I'm sure everybody is dying to read weekly), I'll do my best to post a DVD Release pick (or two) for the week by Monday (and possibly something to avoid at all costs), but I reserve the right to delay until Wednesday pending horrendous scheduling conflicts. So, if it's Wednesday, you might just have to see what I thought of the DVD you've already bought. For the movie theatrical release of the week, I'll do my best to post by Thursday.

Just so you know, I expect tons of people to be influenced by my picks, so much so that the entire movie industry will be swayed by my thoughts. And I'm going to win the lottery Wednesday, too.

The other thing referenced in the title (the movie info above being the first, even if it had two subparts) concerns a television show starting in a couple of weeks. (I won't be recommending shows except to talk about new cartoons starting 9/23.) One show in particular that will either lead or follow Grey's Anatomy on Thursday nights is entitled, Ugly Betty. One of the taglines for the show is, "Ugly is the new beautiful." I now (perhaps) have a chance, slim though it might be.

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