Sunday, October 21, 2007

To Record or Not To Record, How do you do both at once?

I likes my Saturday morning cartoons. I likes 'em a lot. But not enough to actually get up and watch them. Oh no, there's sleep and stuff. So I record them. Silly, I know, but all in all, not a bad vice to have.

I've also discovered that I can't record multiple tapes worth of shows. I never get to watching them. That's why, as discussed in a previous post, I limit the shows I watch and tend not to watch the serial shows, even as good as they might be (I'm not looking at you 24, Lost, Prison Break). All that to say I have one tape I use for recording cartoons, House, Bones, Pushing Daisies, and Life. And I don't set VCR to record weekly, just one week at a time. I don't know why.

Two weeks ago, I recorded cartoons from Fox rather than CW (Fox has horrible cartoons, and I'm sad that they're going to do the programming for The CW starting fall 2008 or 2009 — I guess my Saturday mornings will be completely free). So I didn't have to watch all of those. Bones and House were preempted by baseball, so all of my shows were a miss last week.

This afternoon, I watched Pushing Daisies (I really really like this show), and two minutes into watching Life, my cartoons started. Apparently I had rewound to watch Life at one point, fallen asleep, and didn't fast forward to record the cartoons.

My life is so hard (as my mother is fond of reminding me).

1 comment:

claymonster said...

For such a media-head, I'd say it is time to break down and get cable/satellite and a DVR! Might as well simplify, automatically record what you want (don't have to remember to set a timer), have it cataloged, and be able to watch one thing and record something else (even two "something elses" if I'm not mistaken). What price can you put on piece of mind?