Sunday, April 30, 2006

hmmm (name that tune!)

so, logging in tonight to post about something, I discovered that my last two entries never appeared on my blog. Note that I used blogger's mail-in capability to post them. I've never had trouble with mailing in posts before. Oh wait, that's a lie, there was a time when two or three posts just completely disappeared.

At least the posts were in my list, and I just needed to publish. It is annoying when things don't just work.

1 comment:

claymonster said...

I believe "Hmmm" (give or take a couple of "m"s) was a top 40 hit by the Crash Test Dummies.
And thank goodness they had that hit, or I never would have gone to check them out at Rockefeller's and would have missed their opening act for the night, October Project, who I enjoyed immensely and subsequently own 2 of their CDs.
Things that make you go 'hmmmm' indeed (C&C Music Factory, riffing on the one and only Arsenio Hall. My this goes on forever, doesn't it?)