Sunday, April 09, 2006

It Happened Last Night

Last night, we had a cookout and a movie night with our singles' group.
It was much fun. We sat outside under the stars -- all two of them (we
are in Houston, after all, which isn't the Lone Star so what gives with
that?) -- and watched the movie projected on a white king-sized sheet
strung between the trees. I enjoyed that so much.

I was kind of nervous about it because I was responsible for bringing
the movies. I know that I have a totally warped sense of humor, and that
my likes are not everyone else's likes. But I do try to cognizant of
that and provide what I consider all would at least appreciate if not
enjoy. I usually do a pretty good job but don't have a perfect track record.

I had brought several movies (around 10), but I ultimately gave the
viewers two choices: The Philadelphia Story (1940), or It Happened Last
Night (1934). Both of these movies are fantastic and hilarious, or at
least I think so. I highly recommend both of them. The group picked It
Happened Last Night, and we popped it in.

Fortunately, it seems to have a been a hit. I watched it again with the
commentary this afternoon, and I still love this movie.

1 comment:

claymonster said...

I still think we shoulda watched Waiting for Guffman.