Saturday, April 01, 2006

Life, Houston, and Everything

Last Monday, I watched most of the Miracle Workers show on ABC. One family was praying, but the doctor refused to even bow his head. Everything turned out great, of course, because the ultimate goal in life is to feel good, right? It seems so many doctors think they are God, with the power of life and death.

Yet, we're not so much different, are we? While we don't think we wield the power of life and death in our every action, we do attach extreme significance to our every thought, and we act like it's all about us.

So, anyway, after watching the show, I thought, "too bad there's not a simple procedure to fix what's wrong with me". And I guess there is; it's total submission to God. Anyone got any pointers on easing that transition from being totally self-reliant?

Last night, I went to Comedy Sportz (kind of like "Whose Line is It Anyway?" but far superior). As usual, it was a blast. It was a special show in which high school students did the games. While it was good, I do prefer the regular players. The level of intensity the students reached by the end of the match is about where the regular players start. Don't get me wrong, the students are still better than what I could do, but I still prefer the regulars. In time, though, I have no doubt they'll be at that level.

Work is busy, as usual. I'm so close to making some pretty significant breakthroughs in the database work I'm doing. When done, it will rock completely. A lot of it has to do with having programs generated and run by other programs (yes, a program-writing program). Then, the process just becomes something anyone can do by entering some data through a simple interface (Access, command line, HMTL), and voila, the program can run without intervention.

Of course, this doesn't help in the initial data setup. We get data from our clients in bizarre formats, usually requiring several hours of clean up. I've somewhat automated large sections of the cleanup, at least having scripts for running these pieces so I don't have to recreate it every time. But I don't have the process down enough to have a single program that I can kick off and be done with it a couple of minutes later (which is all it will take when completed) — there are still way too many exceptions. I still need to develop a great legitimate address recognizer, an address splitter. I've just about got the DBA (doing business as) name splitting down.

Oh well, enough blathering for now. I'm going birthday shopping soon (like minutes away).

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