Thursday, April 06, 2006

What a Day

Man, this day started out quite on an up note. I woke up not groggy and got to work early.

Then it went downhill. All three elevators were out. Our office is on the 9th floor. Yowsers. And on top of that, the A/C was out. It started at 81° in my office and was at 88° by 3 pm. The A/C came on then, and by 6, it was down to all of 84°. My sinuses were exploding by 10 this morning; they don't do well (nor do I) in high heat and high humidity.

On the other hand, I was actually productive at work in spite of the heat and pain. I got my processes numbered so I don't have to keep figuring out what to run next. It's great stuff. I can hardly wait to get all of this stuff automated.

My small group (the small group I attend -- I don't own it or anything) was pretty good tonight, even if it was small in number. We've been studying Discovering God's Will, a series by Andy Stanley. It's been quite interesting. Tonight's "episode" was about specific things we can do to know God's will. Rather than looking for things that make us feel good (which is the point of life) or for promises that we can somehow force God into upholding for us because we have Him in our grip, we should look for principles to live by and guide our lives. Makes sense to me.

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