Thursday, July 22, 2004

on my mind

  • read an article about unsuspecting internet users getting "extra" charges on their credit card. I hate things hidden in fine print, and the companies that do these things should be fined horribly (and can the people who actually have the damages get some financial remuneration on this? Fines are fine, but doesn't it just go to the state? The victim doesn't get anything, AFAIK.)
  • saw I, Robot tonight; much better than I thought it would be. To the reviewer on slate or salon that said they just get Asimov wrong, I can only say we didn't see the same movie. What'd you do, see the trailers, watch the first ten or fifteen minutes, and then go to sleep with your free pass? (I've been to enough sneaks where the reviewers go to sleep.) Not totally wrong, but close enough.
  • The Bourne Supremacy on Saturday morning; gotta love matinees. BTW, it's The Bourne Supremacy, not just Bourne Supremacy. One of our local DJs got called on it from the studio (true story).
  • Listened to local Christian radio station last week for about 20-30 minutes. There was no Stephen Curtis Chapman--I was massively shocked. I thought Christian music was equivalent to SCC (not to be confused with the SEC, in whom I take no stock, nor should it be confused with the FCC, who might fine me for what I think of SCC--well, only if I spoke it on-air somewhere. Of course, my opinion of SCC would probably incite a riot -- is that what it would take for Christians to take some kind of action?). Anywayz, I heard this super-annoying song. It turned out to be Switchfoot; I think the song was "The Beautiful Letdown". That off-key note on this "on" sound, over and over and over again. Blech.
  • Listened again to the local Christian radio station for about 10 minutes. A catchy song followed by some old-sounding song followed by a song that had lame (read: cliché) lyrics, mediocre vocals, uninspiring music. Sure enough, it was SCC. It's bound to be a hit.
  • Going to a baseball game tomorrow night for free (except parking and food). $40 seats. Wahoo!
  • Got to talk to my mother Tuesday night for the first time in well over a week. Considering we normally talk at least three or four times a week, I was going through withdrawal. She might have been glad for the break; she said she was, anyway. :-)

Well, I guess that's all for now.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Baseball? Yes? *ears perk up* You are in that would be what team? I'm a big Giants fan myself. -Mark